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Best App Killers for Android

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There comes a time in Android life when you simply want to kill an app, and for that time, the best app killers for Android may come in handy. Some apps are simply annoying or they drain your battery consistently without giving you any kind of benefits, so it makes perfect sense that you would want to kill them off unceremoniously.

Of course, best app killer for Android is the uninstall button. It makes sense to simply uninstall the app that is hogging up space on your smartphone instead of killing it. However, if your smartphone is not rooted, and the app you hate is a system app for some reason, you’ll have no chance of uninstalling it. This is exactly where the best app killers for Android will come to your aid and strangle the app out of existence. A point to be noted here is that you cannot simply kill essential system apps because that will cause stability issues and won’t be as pretty as you think. Thankfully, manufacturer or carrier bloatware can easily be killed off with one of the best app killer for Android.

Writer’s Note: The best app killers for Android or task killers for Android are not going to actually murder an app. They will simply put the app on ice, a suspended state that won’t allow the app to even talk. If you want to forgive an app, you can simply un-kill it to wake it back up.


Oasis FengToolsFree

Greenify is one of the best Android apps that can easily put any Android app to sleep and that too in great style. It is a really well-designed app and comes with an easy to follow interface. One of the best things about this app is its ability to recognize which apps are draining resources fast, especially which ones are hammering the battery life. From there you can easily put annoying apps to sleep, so they won’t consume system resources anymore.

Identifying and putting the old apps into deep hibernation when you are not actively using them helps your device to breathe a little bit easier and the battery life to thrive. One great thing about Greenify is that the hibernation is broken once you actively click on the app icon, and after you’re done with the app, it goes back to hibernation. So in my humble opinion, this is a better solution than simply killing an app permanently without any way to quickly revive it for usage. Sure, you may not want to use carrier apps a lot but there will come a time when you’ll need them briefly; Greenify ensures that they will work perfectly.




ShutApp is one of the most convenient task killer apps for Android that allow you to immediately close battery draining apps. While you can do that manually as well but the closed apps will automatically start up, rendering all that effort useless. Thankfully, any apps that are closed by ShutApp stay closed and will not restart immediately. The app is also capable of shutting down background apps automatically even on unrooted smartphones.

ShutApp also completely blocks data flow when the smartphone is not in use. This means if you haven’t put social media apps in the network access list, they won’t be able to access the Internet and consume your mobile data. The app also allows you to easily look up which apps are currently running and gives you the option of immediately stopping them with one click. If you absolutely know an app is not being a nuisance, you can put it in the whitelist to exclude it from being hibernated.


ES Task Manager

ES GlobalBusinessFree

ES Task Manager is a fairly straightforward and simple to use app killer for Android that presents all the available options right on the main screen. The design of the app is well polished and users will feel at home while using it. Right on the main screen you’ll find more options to either kill apps, clean junk files from your smartphone, optimize functions, and optimize power.

However, if you jump into the task manager, you’ll find currently running apps and from there you can easily close them off with ease. Those that you deem useful can stay on, while others can be easily killed. Freeing up the system memory is also really easy with this app. There is a slight problem I noticed with this app killer for Android, while it does indeed kill all of the apps in one go, some essential system apps will turn back on after a little while and there’s no way to keep them turned off using this app. However, they are all very essential, so it is recommended that you keep them on anyways.


Task Killer


Task Killer is a highly straightforward app that allows you to kill apps without much effort. Right on the main screen you’ll see a list of apps that are currently running on your device. On the right side, you’ll see a checkbox that you need to toggle if you want that particular app gone. After you select the apps that you deem not worthy of using system resources, you can press the big green “Kill Selected” button and the app will terminate them.

In the settings you’ll find the option that automatically kills all apps running after a set amount of time. So, if you want the apps to be killed after every hour, you can easily do so with this option. There is also an ignore list that allows you to whitelist certain apps that you want running all the time. For example, if you want Facebook Messenger to run continuously in the background, you can simply put it in the ignore list.


Advanced Task Killer


Advanced Task Killer has a very ancient looking interface, there’s no getting around that. However, we are not here because we like the looks of best app killers, we are here to find the best killers only. And just like real life, Advanced Task Killer looks like an inconspicuous assassin that only means business.

All you need to do is select the apps that are to be executed by the task killer, and then press the “kill switch” to unceremoniously kill them off. One great option available in this app is the ability to auto start upon a restart. This means even if you restart your device, Advanced Task Killer will return and automatically kill apps that you had selected previously. The straight to business attitude of this great app killer for Android makes it one of the best ones in the business.


Making a Kill:

These were some of the best app killers for Android that will surely make short work of annoying apps on your device. One of the biggest annoyances of using a carrier smartphone is the unnecessary bloatware that their smartphones come with. Over the years they have been toning it down by combining everything into one app, same goes for manufacturers that previously loved to shoehorn their own versions of simple apps. Samsung is still trying to push their own versions of basic apps that already come with Android, I don’t think anyone uses their browser when Google Chrome is already installed.

Until we achieve stock Android on every device imaginable, you will need to employ the services of the best app killers for Android. Do tell us why you personally need an app killer on your device? Which app is going to be executed first with an app killer? We would love to hear from you.

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